Match Details

HCA League Division7

21 Feb 2012: Hertford 5 v St Albans 6

Bd Hertford 5 Grade ECF Result St Albans 6 Grade ECF Resumption
1 Hulman, Ron 85 286383C 0-1 McMahon, Austin 117 115351B
2 Gutteridge, Michael 85 265939G 0-1 McConnell, Phil 120 285386D
3 Luscher, Desmond 78 225257A 0-1 Pines, Chris 116 253269E
4 Kirby, Brian 71 182133H 0-1 Feldman, Keith 102 281985F
5 Craddock, Lauren X000085 0-1 Baker, Peter C 92 233361C
Match Score:  0-5
Number of games incomplete:  0

Hertford 5 v St Albans 6

A 5 - 0 win

Author:  Team members

Date:  21 May 2012

The Sixth Team notched up it first 5 - 0 win of the season against a weakened Hertford 5 team. After 8 matches, the team's record this season is Won 7, Drawn 1 (the draw was against our friends in St Albans 7!)

Board 1. Austin's opponent exchanged off Queens on move 6, but lost a rook early on and resigned when the board came under White's control.

Board 2. Phil gained a minor piece for a pawn early on, and was able to convert this advantage into a strong attack on his opponent's exposed King. His opponent resigned after move 33, with checkmate unavoidable.

Board 3. Chris gained a material advantage, and launched a strong attack on his opponent's King, whereupon his opponent resigned.

Board 4. Keith's opponent castled kingside but left most of his active pieces on the queenside - unable to defend his king. With both of Keith's bishops attacking the g2 and h2 squares, and his queen able to move without hindrance on both the g and h files, there was no defence to a mating attack - and white resigned after 18 moves.

Board 5. Hertford were one player short, but one of their juniors (whose session was just finishing when our team arrived) bravely volunteered to step into the breach and play her first ever match - against Peter. While her inexperience inevitably made it an unequal contest, hopefully it will have been a useful experience to help her develop her talent.